National accommodation
A place of learning, hope and diversity
Niemannsweg branch
In February 2024, the work at the “Niemannsweg Branch” of the Hebbelschule began with four empty rooms amidst resident quarters and four new teachers full of ideas. Today, these rooms are equipped with tables, chairs, lecterns, cabinets, and a smart panel in each classroom. The walls are adorned with vocabulary learning posters for “School,” charts of essential irregular verbs, and student-created artworks that now bring life to the three classrooms on the first floor of Kiel’s first state accommodation center (LUK).
A diverse educational offering: more than just DaZ
Classes are conducted following a multi-tiered model for DaZ (German as a Second Language) language education for children and adolescents in initial reception centers (Level 0). The focus is on teaching “German as a Second Language,” supporting the children and youth in their first steps toward social, academic, and linguistic integration, and building a language foundation for everyday situations. In addition to DaZ, the subjects “Sports” and “Art” are also taught. Students are given a glimpse into “Mathematics” and “English” to lay the groundwork for future education. Currently, about 60 students are divided into three learning groups based on age, with each group having a class teacher as a main point of contact.
A dynamic system amid changing enrollment
One significant challenge is that students often attend the school for only a short period. Some stay for just two weeks, others up to six months, depending on the length of their asylum process. Thanks to flexible teaching plans, support from interns, volunteers, teachers from the main school, and customized lesson content, teachers can meet the individual needs of students, regardless of how long they remain part of the school community. This approach creates a sense of structure, stability, and safety, even during limited periods.
Unity through sports and art
Sports and art are central components of the school’s new concept. Physical education not only keeps potentially traumatized children and youth active but also teaches them teamwork and fair play. Art provides a non-verbal outlet for expression and processing the often difficult circumstances many students face.
Diversity as strength
The cultural diversity of students from 17 different countries—including Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Somalia—is embraced as an asset. Teachers foster an atmosphere of openness where everyone can share their background and experiences. Activities such as trips to the Geomar Aquarium, the Tannenberg wildlife park, or the nearby botanical garden enhance both German language skills and intercultural exchange among the students.
A School offering hope and opportunities
Over the first school year, this school has grown into a place that offers young people hope and helps them find their way in Germany. Our school is more than just a place of learning—it is a vibrant, safe space for development, friendship, and exchange.
Gymnasium der Stadt Kiel Europaschule
Öffnungszeiten des Sekretariats während der Schulzeit
Montag – Donnerstag: 7.00 – 14.30 Uhr
Freitag: 7.00 – 12.00 Uhr erreichbar.
Mittagspause: 11.50 – 12:20 Uhr
© Hebbelschule Kiel